
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

This is a season of discomfort. In so many different ways. I wouldn’t change anything about it because I know that amidst the discomfort, there is growth. So. Much. Growth. Thanks Lord! Here’s four things I’ve learned about comfort in the past month (ish).


  1. The Lord should be my ultimate, primary source of comfort: 

My first resort when I am uncomfortable! He is my friend! If I feel alone, misunderstood, or disconnected, I tend to sit in that heaviness and feel sorry for myself. Those feelings are totally okay, but they often get in the way of my reliance on Him. The Lord has been showing me that before anything else, I need to bring those feelings to Him and allow His comfort to sink into that heaviness.


  1. Comfort is not inherently bad. 

It’s when we rely on and sit in that comfort too heavily that our focus and trust shifts from being in the Lord to things of the physical realm. He desires our hearts, and sometimes earthly possessions/comforts deter us from fully giving ourselves to Him!


  1. In seasons of discomfort He brings us gifts: glimpses of comfort.

 I’m sure it makes the Lord really sad to see His sons and daughters in pain. He doesn’t want us to be uncomfortable just for kicks- places of discomfort bring us to places of growth. He wants the best for us! He desires cultivation over complacency! That being said, within this season of discomfort the Lord has been giving me glimpses of comfort. One of these gifts has been my tent. It has quickly become a space of retreat and rest for me; a space I can make my own. Some afternoons, I’ll just organize my tent as a way to recharge and renew. What an unexpected gift! Thanks Lord!


  1. We find comfort in more than we think we do.

Sure, comfort can mean getting in a cozy bed at the end of the day, having electricity, or taking a steaming hot shower. But comfort entails so much more. Recently, the Lord has been really shaking my world in terms of the comfort that other’s validation brings to me. I’ve realized that I put too much of my identity in/value too highly the words that others say or the friends that I have. Connection with people is a beautiful thing, but not when we place it above connection with the Lord. Some questions He’s been challenging me with: Do you trust me to bring about the connection you so deeply desire? Do you know that I am first and foremost your greatest friend? Do you believe what I say about you? Are you assured in your identity in Me rather than what others say about you?


Some questions you may want to ask yourself: 

 Is the Lord my first resort in times of discomfort?

What expectations of comfortability do I have that are getting in the way of surrendering to him? Am I relying too heavily on things that bring me physical comfort? Am I relying too heavily on the comfort that other people bring to me?

In a time of discomfort: What hope or glimpses of comfort can I thank the Lord for right now?


Thanks for reading and keeping up with my journey, friend! I hope this blog spoke to you or challenged you in some way today. If you have questions or want to talk about anything, feel free to reach out! 

God bless!


[email protected]

7 responses to “four things i’ve learned about comfort”

  1. This challenged me Emma. Thanks for inspiring with your words in such an honest way…from the heart. Love you!

  2. So. Much. Growth.
    I’m asking myself those questions…and looking forward to continued growth.

  3. Dear Emma, as I read your thoughts, I though about the normal for people who lived in Jesus’s day and how primitive it was, yet, they were used to it and didn’t consider it a discomfort! We have such a high standard of comfort now. Needing things just perfect and complaining if we don’t have all of the comforts we are used to. The Word tells us to do all things without complaining and to count it joy when we encounter such trials. But do we really do this, even in out minds. The narrow road is always challenging us to find peace and joy in every situation. Jesus is our peace and He gives us the strength to find joy in every circumstance we find ourselves in! Much joy and peace to you this day, Emma!! praying for you, Jenny

  4. Such a good word, Emma! I really enjoy reading your blogs and hearing your thoughts on Life as you know it right now. Much love to you as you follow God’s leading for your life!