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God really provided $1800 in 8.5 hours.

Oops. I’m getting ahead of myself.

I’ll rewind to around 10 months ago, when I first started fundraising. As anyone who has ever had to fundraise money knows all too well: it can be quite a daunting, intimidating task. I was scared. At this time, the Lord encouraged me to start praying dangerous prayers. I felt led to pray dangerous prayers over fundraising especially. Long story short, I prayed and the Lord showed up and provided in incredible ways. I was able to be fully funded before I even left for Georgia in September.

It was nice to be fully funded and not have it looming over my head as I launched into my gap year. It was all good. I prayed a dangerous prayer, God showed up, end of story. 

Not so much.

I had always kept that dangerous prayer lesson in the back of my pocket and offered it up as advice whenever a fellow squadmate asked about fundraising tips. I didn’t think much of it.

It was only until yesterday that I truly realized that this wasn’t just for me. God did teach me something through this lesson, but in that He saw an opportunity, months down the line, for someone else to dive into dangerous prayers and see Him work miracles.

My teammate Andi had been struggling through the fundraising process for quite some time now, and as a team we’ve walked alongside her and tried to help her as best we can. Yesterday, our squad had a talk about fundraising, since the deadline to be fully funded is approaching this Friday. There was a sense of urgency we all felt, and we could tell that Andi was feeling pretty stressed about it. Andi was the only person on our team who wasn’t fully funded. So, as a team, we decided we would reach out to as many people as we possibly could to get Andi to where she needed to be financially. Andi needed $1800.

Our team leader, Kenzie, figured out that if we split up that amount each team member could be responsible to raise $360 for Andi in the next week. We all agreed to do this, and dove right in to asking family and friends if they would pray about supporting Andi. We felt sure we could do it by the end of the week if we worked hard enough.

It was only about ten minutes in that the Lord reminded me of dangerous prayers. I didn’t think I thought much about it, but the following words just kind of spurted out of my mouth:

“Guys, I think we should pray for the money by the end of the day.”

So we did. 

And like He does so often, God showed up.

We prayed this prayer at 12 pm yesterday afternoon. By 8:30 pm, Andi was fully funded.

God did that. And He uses people like you to work miracles like that. Isn’t He awesome?

Where do you need God to show up right now? What’s a dangerous prayer you’re feeling called to pray over that situation? It might be scary, but it’s so worth it! God loves to show up when we make space for Him to!



Thanks for coming alongside me and supporting me in this amazing journey. And thank you to everyone who supported Andi, whether that was in prayer or through finances! There are still a few people on my squad who are fundraising. If you feel led to give, contact me and I can connect you to them!

Only a few days in and God is already doing big things in Costa Rica. I am so expectant for what’s to come.


[email protected]

3 responses to “Dangerous Prayers”

  1. Hallelujah! Wow this is so good. He is so faithful!!! PRAISE FOR YOUR TEAM AND ANDI AND A FAITHFUL LORD WHO ISNT AFRAID OF OUR HARD AND BIG DESIRES. He walks with us in that. So cool

  2. This is encouraging and challenging Emma. I’m inspired to pray into situations that seem impossible!

  3. I loved this about dangerous prayers. I’ll try it as soon as possible. It sounds like a lesson in
    faith, Nothing is impossible with God.