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A blog post on these past three months in Georgia

A blog post on these past three months?!

How am I supposed to do that? Cue the overwhelming feelings. Then the procrastination. Because all that’s running trough my head is how could I ever articulate a blog post that accurately encompasses these past three, growth-saturated months? Not only that, how could that blog post ever be beautiful enough, whole enough, good enough? 

Well I just realized: it’s never gonna be. 

So I’ll let you know right off the bat- this is gonna be a messy one. 

If it’s not messy though, is it really an accurate representation of the last three months? Messy, hard, painful. But there’s beauty in that, isn’t there? I can honestly say I’ve never grown so much in such a short amount of time in my entire life. I’ve never felt the Lord so near. So yeah, I’d say that’s pretty beautiful even if it was messy and hard and ugly at many points along the way.

I also want to apologize because I realize these past few weeks I’ve been pretty MIA. It’s been a little crazy. While on Thanksgiving break, most of my squad  tested positive for Covid-19, and in order to keep everyone safe, leadership decided that we should stay at home until launch (January 5). Now I’m home and grateful to be with my family, even though that means not seeing my squadmates for a few weeks. A lot of bittersweet-ness going on for sure. 

Now, while I still am a little timid at the thought of encapsulating three life changing months in a little blog post, I’m gonna try anyways. 



30 essential truths I’ve learned in three months. 

Gainesville, GA.

  1. We find the Lord when we seek Him for who He is – not when we seek the answers, provision, or healing He gives. Who He is > what He does. 
  2. He is enough.
  3. He does not condemn me.
  4. He is proud of me.
  5. He is so so near and close- closer than my breath (a truth I can barely wrap my mind around!) He’s all around me and He’s within me.
  6. He is my friend and I can converse with Him as my friend! 
  7. I am able to hear his voice clearly and communicate with Him confidently! 
  8. Feedback (both constructive and affirmative) is essential to healthy, Christ centered relationships. 
  9. I am not entitled to everything I think I am.
  10. Rest and regeneration are essential to our walks with the Lord. I learned how I personally can rest well.
  11. I am chosen. 
  12. I am worthy. 
  13. I am His child, daughter. He is my Father. He sings over me. 
  14. I have to know myself to lead myself, then know others to lead others well. 
  15. My identity in Him is constant and is never based on location. 
  16. Every moment is an opportunity to spend time with the Lord (even if it’s kicking down moldy walls in a house in Louisiana)!
  17. Connection with Him outweighs connection with any other human being.
  18. He transforms our desires and affections when we abide in Him.
  19. Worship is a heart posture, not a performance (something I knew before, but never truly exercised).
  20. He calls me to live life in a constant state of worship. 
  21. Discomfort is not something to avoid but to embrace. 
  22. My comfort is found in Him first and foremost. 
  23. Surrender is not a one time deal- it’s a process. 
  24. He speaks to me the same no matter where I am.
  25. He is madly in love with me. 
  26. The Holy Spirit empowers us to overcome obstacles we can’t on our own; often, we simply need to ask for help.
  27. The more you run up the Jesus Hill the easier is gets. (The Jesus Hill is a super steep hill in the woods of Georgia I’d run up often, but it‘s definitely a metaphorical hill too!)
  28. The Lord has a heart and purpose for diversity; I am called to live in light of this value. 
  29. I am not lacking or deficient but created with everything I need. 
  30. Growth is messy.

Growth. Is. Messy.

What’s a situation you’re walking through now that’s a little messy? What does the Lord have to say about that mess? Does it give you hope to know that meaningful growth is often on the other side of that mess?




Since this was a little broad, I would love to share more specifics about the identity the Lord has solidified in me in these past months! Be on the lookout for another blog post soon! Thanks for partnering with me in this journey, friend! 

Much love,


[email protected]

7 responses to “30 things, 3 months”

  1. Hi Emma, so nice to hear how your journey is going & to hear what you are learning & experiencing with your Gap Year. I love how freely the Holy Spirit wants to live in us and through us, encouraging us to always reach out to others letting them know of the Father’s love for them. Love is so very powerful to heal, fill in the dry empty places and strengthen with faith what the enemy works overtime to weaken and destroy. Our Father & Creator knows us best! Love you, Jenny

  2. You are pretty amazing, Emma! Thank you for sharing all of the lessons you have learned these past three months. You are truly wise beyond your years and a gifted writer.
    Love you much,
    Pastor Sue

  3. yes, yes, YES!!!! this is so good Emma!!! so proud of the woman of God that you are!!!! over-the-moon-excited to get to walk out these next few months alongside you!!!! love you so much!!!!

  4. Emma, You’re a blessing from God. You’re a rich source wisdom and knowledge. I can’t wait to hear more,
    I love you, Granddad

  5. I’m clapping w/ joy as I read your blog, Emma! Such a good writer – you did well w/ this “broad subject”! May God continue to lead you! Merry Christmas to you and your family. Much love from Patty Martin